Redefining Your Self-Image

MCC Beale St. Center 309 E. Beale St., Kingman, AZ, United States

Do you ever feel like no matter how much weight you lose, you’re still not happy with what you see in the mirror? Are the compliments from others hard to accept because deep down, you still don’t feel safe or comfortable in your own skin?   It’s easy to fall into the trap of harsh […]


Guided by Angels: Connecting to Love, Healing, and Higher Vibrations

Eclectic Quail 417 E Beale St., Kingman, AZ, United States

Discover the loving presence of angels in your life and learn how to deepen your connection with these divine beings of light and unconditional love. In this inspiring and insightful class, you will explore the many ways angels can assist you on your journey toward self-awakening, healing, and living a heart-centered, love-based life. Gain tools […]


Shift Your Mind Sh!t


What if you could feel just 10% happier every day? How would your life change? Wouldn’t it be great to know the secret to feeling better and enjoying life more? You don’t have to spend another year feeling stuck, frustrated, or like nothing is going right. Happiness starts with YOU, and it all begins with […]


Transform Your Life: Shift Your Mindset for Sustainable Weight Loss

MCC Beale St. Center 309 E. Beale St., Kingman, AZ, United States

A Mindset Shift Workshop to Heal Emotional Wounds & Reshape Your Self-Image Discover the transformative power of healing your mindset to achieve sustainable weight loss. This workshop is designed to help you overcome emotional and mental barriers, reshape your self-image, and embrace self-love and compassion. We will explore how to: Heal emotional and mental wounds […]

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